
This command of HATCHet verifies that dependencies that are unique to specific parts of HATCHet are correctly installed. The relevant commands with dependencies are count-reads, phase-snps, and compute-cn.

All checks can be run simultaneously via hatchet check, or an individual command can be checked via, e.g., hatchet check compute-cn.

The check for compute-cn runs the step on a set of small data files (.bbc/.seg) pre-packaged with HATCHet, and is a quick way to verify if your solver is working correctly. If you are unable to run this command, it likely indicates a licensing issue with default (Gurobi) solver. To use alternative solvers, see the Using a different Pyomo-supported solver section of the README for more details.


This command takes no inputs.


This command produces debugging output from the solver as well as other dependency checks. For compute-cn, look for the message towards the end of the output:

# Your current solver ... seems to be working correctly

to verify if your selected solver works correctly.