
paste.pairwise_align(a_slice, b_slice[, ...])

Returns a mapping \(( \Pi = [\pi_{ij}] )\) between spots in one slice and spots in another slice while preserving gene expression and spatial distances of mapped spots, where \(\pi_{ij}\) describes the probability that a spot i in the first slice is aligned to a spot j in the second slice.

paste.center_align(initial_slice, slices[, ...])

Infers a "center" slice consisting of a low rank expression matrix \(X = WH\) and a collection of \(\pi\) of mappings from the spots of the center slice to the spots of each input slice.

paste.center_ot(feature_matrix, ...[, ...])

Computes the optimal mappings \(\Pi^{(1)}, \ldots, \Pi^{(t)}\) given W (specified features) and H (coefficient matrix) by solving the pairwise slice alignment problem between the center slice and each slices separately

paste.center_NMF(feature_matrix, slices, ...)

Finds two low-rank matrices ( W ) (feature matrix) and ( H ) (coefficient matrix) that approximate expression matrices of all slices by minimizing the following objective function:

paste.my_fused_gromov_wasserstein(...[, ...])

Computes a transport plan to align two weighted spatial distributions based on expression dissimilarity matrix and spatial distances, using the Gromov-Wasserstein framework.

paste.line_search_partial(alpha, ...)

Solve the linesearch in the fused wasserstein iterations for partially overlapping slices


visualization.stack_slices_pairwise(slices, pis)

Align spatial coordinates of sequential pairwise slices.


Align spatial coordinates of a list of slices to a center_slice.

visualization.plot_slice(slice, color[, ax, s])

Plots slice spatial coordinates.


Finds and applies optimal rotation between spatial coordinates of two layers (may also do a reflection).

Model Selection

model_selection.generate_graph(slice[, ...])

Generates a graph using the networkx library where each node represents a spot from the given slice object, and edges are formed between each node and its closest neighbors based on spatial distance.


Computes the edge inconsistency score for a convex hull formed by the aligned spots


Selects the optimal overlap fraction between two slices, a_slice and b_slice, using a pairwise alignment approach.


helper.kl_divergence(a_exp_dissim, b_exp_dissim)

Calculates the Kullback-Leibler divergence (KL) or generalized KL divergence between two distributions.

helper.glmpca_distance(a_exp_dissim, ...[, ...])

Computes the distance between two distributions after reducing dimensionality using GLM-PCA.

helper.pca_distance(a_slice, b_slice, ...)

Computes pairwise distances between two distributions slices after dimensionality reduction using PCA.

helper.high_umi_gene_distance(a_exp_dissim, ...)

Computes the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence between two distribution using genes with highest UMI counts.


Normalizes and centers spatial coordinates by subtracting the mean and scaling by the minimum pairwise distance


Returns common genes from multiple slices


Matches spatial coordinates between two datasets using either optimal transport or bipartite matching based on spatial proximity.

helper.dissimilarity_metric(which, a_slice, ...)

Computes a dissimilarity matrix between two distribution using a specified metric.